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What complications can arise from an untreated crossbite?

If overlooked, crossbites can trigger jaw misalignment, uneven jaw growth, premature wearing of the tooth enamel,  facial asymmetry, and improper chewing, among other dental issues.

Is a crossbite the same as an underbite or overbite?

No, not all crossbites are the same. A crossbite represents a form of malocclusion, characterized by a misalignment of teeth where the upper teeth fit inside the lower teeth. This misalignment can impact individual teeth or groups of teeth, encompassing the front, back, or both sets. In a posterior crossbite, the back teeth are affected, with upper teeth situated inside the lower teeth. Conversely, an anterior crossbite involves the front teeth, where one or more upper teeth are positioned behind the lower teeth. It’s important to distinguish this from an underbite, where either the upper teeth or jaw are positioned behind the lower teeth. Each type of crossbite can have implications for dental health and may require orthodontic intervention to correct alignment issues and prevent further complications.

How can I tell if my child or I have a crossbite?

The prominent indication of a crossbite is when the upper teeth fit inside the lower teeth in the back and/or the front when biting down normally. Should you suspect a crossbite, seeking a professional evaluation from an orthodontist is imperative to ensure treatment is started at the optimal age.

Is It Harder to Maintain Oral Hygiene with Braces?

Braces can present some challenges in cleaning, but with the right tools and techniques, you can maintain excellent oral hygiene. Brushing and flossing, as usual, remain important. Learn more about life during orthodontic treatment

Always consult directly with an orthodontist to get personalized answers and recommendations. Each individual’s orthodontic journey is unique, and professional advice is invaluable in making informed decisions.

Will Orthodontic Treatment Be Painful?

While there might be some discomfort initially or after adjustments, most people adapt quickly. Discomfort is usually manageable with over-the-counter pain relievers.

How Long Will My Treatment Last?

Treatment duration varies depending on the severity of the issue and the type of treatment. Your orthodontist will be able to provide the most accurate timeline for your treatment. 

Do I Need to Wear My Retainer Forever?

Retainers help maintain the results of braces or aligners. Your orthodontist will likely advise you to wear your retainer for an extended period. 

Does Orthodontic Treatment Take Longer As An Adult?

Compared to children, your timeline for orthodontic treatment may be longer. Adult teeth are more firmly set in the jaw than younger candidates. It takes more time and pressure to move teeth to their desired position. 

Does Insurance Cover Adult Orthodontics?

Some dental insurance plans offer an annual or lifetime maximum benefit for adult orthodontics. Unfortunately, most dental plans do not provide coverage. However, in some cases, orthodontics can be a medical necessity. If referred by your dentist because of a medical issue, you should attempt to verify coverage with your medical healthcare insurance provider. If you plan to get orthodontic treatment, contributing to an HSA or FSA account can help finance your treatment. 

Are there different mouthguard designs for different sports?

Yes, some mouthguards are designed with specific sports in mind, offering varying levels of protection. High-contact sports like football or hockey might require a more robust mouthguard than non-contact sports.